Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. To apply to this program please visit the application "New User Registration" page and register with the system.

Personal Information
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Permanent e-mail:
Current Address:
Text messaging: Send applications updates via text message
Cell Phone:
Permanent Home Address:
Permanent Address County:
High School Name:
High School City/State/Zip , -
Congressional District:
Please enter the U.S. Congressional District of your high school zip code. You may use this website to find your district: House of Representatives Website.
Country of Birth:
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The resume should include a short summary of education, training and accomplishments both inside and outside the educational world.
Educational Information
University: What Alabama College/University will you be attending in the Fall
Overall GPA:
Academic Standing: At beginning of next school year
Target Degree:
Expected Date of Graduation:
Educational History: List the universities that you have attended beginning with the institution you are currently attending. Other than your current institution, only list universities where you have received 10 or more credit hours. Please upload a PDF version of your transcript. Official transcripts may be requsted for verification. If you do not have a PDF conversion tool you can use one of these free on-line PDF converters: PDF Online - PDF Converter.

To ensure that your PDF files may be properly included in your application, please ensure that they are not protected via encryption, a password, a signed certificate, or in any other manner.
College/University Major Degree Date Awarded GPA
(4 pt scale)
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Faculty Advisor
State and Zipcode:
email confirm:
Once you have submitted your application this individual will received an email requesting their supporting material. Your application will not be complete until this information has been received. Please inform this individuals that they will receive an email request from for this information on your behalf. The deadline for submission of reference letters is Monday, March 10, 2025.
Proposed Research
Abstract The abstract, not to exceed 400 words, must describe the objectives of the proposed research program or plan of study and the methodology to be used.
Submission:New  Renewal
Proposed Start Date:
Research Proposal:
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A full statement that identifies and relates the key elements of the proposed research and/or plan of study is required. The statement should describe the background, relevance and objectives of the proposed research or study. A few technical references may be included in this section. The statement should reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the studies necessary to the understanding of complex aerospace issues. An extramural, aerospace-related work-study experience must be included.

Renewal applications must include a brief statement outlining the progress and status of the research program or plan of study, documentation of accomplishments, and any changes from the original proposed research.

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A 12-month budget, not to exceed $37,000 total, must be prepared and should include the following:
  • The $24,000 student stipend for 12 months
  • Expenditure plan for an additional $12,000 for tuition and $1,000 for student travel (no foreign travel is allowed)
An expense plan for the required extramural experience must be approved by the Consortium Program Office and the costs must not exceed the expenditure limits stated above. In a request for renewal, include in the budget plan the amount of any unused funds remaining from previous awards.

NASA Extramural Experience An extramural NASA experience is required sometime during the fellowship year. The details are to be worked out with the faculty advisor and NASA lab facility where the student plans to participate in a research activity. It is advisable that a NASA contact be found prior to submission of the fellowship proposal. In 400 words or less, please describe the extramural NASA experience that you plan to participate in. Names and locations of NASA field centers are: Ames Research Center - CA, Armstrong Flight Research Center - CA, Glenn Research Center - OH, Goddard Space Flight Center - MD, Jet Propulsion Laboratory - CA, Johnson Space Center - TX, Kennedy Space Center -- FL, Langley Research Center - VA, Marshall Space Flight Center - AL, and Stennis Space Center - MS.

STEM Education Outreach Fellows are expected to be involved in ASGC outreach activities. Proposed activities may take advantage of local opportunities and should involve the student's transmitting their knowledge and enthusiasm of science, math or technology to children or general audiences. These activities will differ from campus to campus and a specific assignment will be made after consultation with their ASGC campus director. In 400 words or less, please describe your proposed science education outreach activities.

Schedule of Target Dates Please realistically identify the starting and completion dates for the proposed research program or plan of study, including the expected date for completion of the formal degree program. Any time expected to be spent at a NASA facility, including the required extramural experience, should be taken into consideration in establishing the target dates.
Please describe your short and long term career goals (500 words or less).
NASA Alignment
Please indicate below how this work aligns with NASA's Mission Directorates
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate
Science Mission Directorate
Space Operations Mission Directorate
Space Technology Mission Directorate

Please describe how your work is aligned with NASA's Mission Directorates
(500 words or less)
Optional Information
Students are strongly encouraged to provide the information requested below which is for reporting purposes only.
Gender: Male Female Do not wish to report


  Specify if not listed:

How did you hear about the Alabama Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Program?
Person With Disability:Yes No
Future Plans: After completing your studies, where do you plan to work?
I am a citizen of the United States of America
I certify that I am or will be a full-time graduate student at one of the ASGC universities.
My faculty advisor (research mentor) has read and approved this project description and has agreed to supervise me while I conduct this research.
I certify that I will comply with the ASGC fellowship reporting and administrative requirements to ASGC before the end of the academic year.
I certify I understand the fellowship lasts for a 12-month/1-year period, unless terminated by either side. If terminated, unused funds must be returned to the Space Grant office.
I certify that all of the information contained in this application is complete and correct and that I meet all of the eligibility requirements stated in this application.
Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. To apply to this program please visit the application "New User Registration" page and register with the system.

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