Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology

Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.

Applications Due: Saturday, February 1, 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
Personal Information
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Preferred Name:
Street Address:
, VA   ZIP Code +4 Lookup
Student Phone: ( ) -
Are you a US citizen or Legal Permanent Resident?   
Are you a Virginia Resident?   
What is your current grade? 8th Grade     9th Grade
T-shirt size: Male adult sizes.

How did you hear about the Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology?

Please Describe:
Gender at Birth:   
Gender Identity: Your responses to the following will only be used to assign housing if you are selected to participate in BLAST. It will not be shared with the scoring committee. In this application, nonbinary includes all gender identities that do not fit within the male and female binary.
Parent/Legal Guardian First Name:
Parent/Legal Guardian Last Name:
Parent/Legal Guardian's Work or Cell Phone: ( ) - -
Parent/Legal Guardian's email address:
Email confirmation:
Session Preference
Please rank your session preferences by selecting from the options below. Note that if you only select one session, you will only be considered for that session.
Session1st Choice2nd Choice3rd Choice4th Choice5th ChoiceNot Interested in this Session
William & Mary June 22-25, 2025
Virginia Tech July 20-23, 2025
Radford University July 20-23, 2025
Old Dominion University July 27-30, 2025
University of Virginia July 30-August 2, 2025
School Information
School Name:
School Address:
, VA
School Principal Name:
School Principal email:
email confirmation:

School Counselor First Name:
School Counselor Last Name:
School Counselor email:
email confirmation:

When your application is submitted, your Counselor will receive an automated email request to verify the school-related information provided in your application. You will receive a confirmation email from when the verification form is received.

We recommend you inform your School Counselor that they will receive an email from asking for this verification. It is the student's responsibility to follow-up with the School Counselor to ensure the verification form is received electronically no later than Saturday, February 8, 2025. Without the School Counselor Verification form, your application is incomplete and ineligible for consideration.

Home School:
As part of your application packet, you are required to provide one recommendation from a teacher, school administrator or someone who can attest to your academic qualifications.
Recommender First Name:
Recommender Last Name:
Recommender Phone:
Recommender email:
email Confirmation:

When your application is submitted, your Recommender will receive an automated email requesting they complete the electronic recommendation form provided. You will receive a confirmation email from when the form is received.

We suggest you inform your Recommender that they will receive an email from asking for the form to be completed. It is the student's responsibility to follow-up with the Recommender to ensure the recommendation is received electronically no later than Saturday, February 8, 2025. Without the Recommendation form, your application is incomplete and ineligible for consideration.

Student Short-Answer Responses
Use the space provided to respond to each of the following questions/statements in your own words. This is your chance to share who you are with the selection panel, so proofread and be sure to answer each question completely. All questions are required. Applications submitted with one or more missing responses will be ineligible for consideration.

Please list all extracurricular activities or elective classes you have participated in. These may be STEM-related, but they do not have to be. Please list them below; you do not have to write in complete sentences for this prompt. STEM includes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. (Maximum 250 words)

Describe why you wish to participate in the BLAST program and what you think you will gain from the experience. (Maximum 250 words)

Optional Information
Students are strongly encouraged to provide the information requested below. This information is collected for federal reporting purposes and is not accessible to the application scoring committee.


  Specify if not listed:
1st Generation:You are a first-generation college student if your parent(s) did not complete a bachelor's degree. Would you be a first-generation college student?
Student Certification
By applying to the project, you are acknowledging the following:
  • I meet the qualifications required to be considered for selection to BLAST: Virginia 8th or 9th grade student with a C+/B- minimum grade average (2.7+ GPA), an interest in STEM, and a U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident.
  • Only complete applications will be reviewed and considered for selection. Automated emails regarding my application's status will be sent from to the student and parent email addresses provided in this application. The Frequently Asked Questions page of the program's website provides clarification on application status (registered, saved, submitted, or complete.)
  • The responses submitted on this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. I understand that a knowing and willful false statement on this application will forfeit my participation in BLAST.
  • Selected students must stay for the entirety of the program. If I am selected to attend and cannot commit to the entire program, I must decline the opportunity. If I find I am unable to fully attend after accepting the selection, I must notify the Coordinator, Veronica Warwick ( immediately to withdraw so that another student may participate.
  • My name, mailing/email addresses, and school may be released to U.S. and/or State Senators and Representatives.
  • My name, school, city and state may be released for the purposes of project participation press releases.
  • If I participate in BLAST, project representatives may contact me up to six years beyond my participation to learn of my college and career plans. This may be done via email, mail, or phone. This information will be used to assist project representatives in determining the impact of the project. I understand my personally identifiable information will not be disclosed.
  • I acknowledge there is extensive walking for each session and that I could be walking up to 5 miles per day.
  • I understand that transportation to and from the University is not provided. I understand that check-in time is between 3-4 p.m. on the first day of the session and check-out time is between 8:30-9:30 a.m. on the last day of the session.
Parent/Legal Guardian Certification
By allowing your student to apply to the BLAST program, you acknowledge:
  • I have reviewed and approved my child's responses and they are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. I understand that a knowing and willful false statement on this application will forfeit my child's participation in the program.
  • I understand the submission of this application is voluntary and give permission for my student to submit the Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology (BLAST) application.
  • I understand my student's application is not eligible for consideration until it is deemed complete. Automated emails will be sent from to the student and parent email addresses provided in this application to communicate changes in the application status. The Frequently Asked Questions page of the program's website provides clarification on application status (registered, saved, submitted, or complete.)
  • I give permission for the release of my child's name, mailing/email address, and school to U.S. and/or state senators and delegates.
  • I give permission for the release of my child's name, school, city, and state for the purpose of project participation press releases.
  • My student meets the qualifications required to be considered for selection to BLAST: Virginia 8th or 9th grade student with a C+/B- minimum grade average (2.7+ GPA), an interest in STEM, and a U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident.
  • If selected for the BLAST summer experience, I understand my child must stay for the entirety of the session they are selected to attend. If they are unable to commit to the entire program, they must decline the opportunity. If they are unable to fully attend after accepting the selection, they must notify the Coordinator, Veronica Warwick ( immediately to withdraw.
  • If my child participates in BLAST, program representatives may contact my child up to six years beyond participation to learn of his or her college and career plans. This may be done via email, mail, or phone. This information will be used to assist project representatives in determining the impact of the program.
  • I acknowledge there is extensive walking for each session and that my child could be walking up to 5 miles per day.
  • I understand that transportation to and from the University is not provided. I understand that check-in time is between 3-4 p.m. on the first day of the session and check-out time is between 8:30-9:30 a.m. on the last day of the session.
An email will be sent to the student and parent/legal guardian's email, confirming the student's application.
Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.