Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.

Applications Due: Sunday, October 15, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions
Personal Information
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Preferred Name:
Are you a US Citizen?   
This program is open to U.S. citizens. Permanent residents may apply for the online course; however, NASA security restrictions typically preclude non-citizen participation in the summer academies.
Gender: Male Female
Are you a high school junior?   
Are you an Idaho Resident?
Home Address:
, ID  
Student Cell or Home Phone: ( ) -
Parent/Legal Guardian's Name:
Parent/Legal Guardian's Cell or Work Phone: ( ) - -
Parent/Legal Guardian's email address
Email confirm
School Information
Home School:
School Name:
Unlisted School Name:
School Address:
, ID
File Upload
(PDF Format)
An unofficial transcript printed from the student school website is acceptable. If you are selected for this program, official transcripts may be required for verification. To enable your files to be properly included in your application, please ensure that they are not protected via encryption, a password, a signed certificate, or in any other manner.
Legislative District Information
Look up your U.S. Representative
Federal Congressional District:
Look up your Idaho Senator and Representative
State Congressional District:
Other Information
Explain why you wish to participate in the program and why you would be successful. Describe personal characteristics, strengths and interests to support your explanation.
(750 words or less)

Please describe your ideas of potential career aspirations and why these careers interest you.
(750 words or less)

Please describe your extra-curricular activities, work experiences, volunteer work, honors, awards and hobbies.
(750 words or less)

How did you hear about the Idaho Science and Aerospace Scholars?

Optional Information
Students are strongly encouraged to provide the information requested below. This information is collected for reporting purposes only and is not accessible to the program's selection panel.
CTE: Are you now enrolled or have you completed career and technology education (CTE) coursework?     
If you answered yes above, please list the CTE courses that you have taken.
Dual Enrollment: Have you taken any community college classes either through a dual enrollment program at your high school or directly at a community college? (this only applies to Idaho Community Colleges)
Which Community College did you attend?
What was your ID number at that Community College?
Post High-School Education: What are your higher education plans after high school graduation? Please check all that apply.


Person With Disability:
What in-person physical accommodations are needed for your disability?
Student Certification
By applying to the project, you are acknowledging the following:
  • I am applying to the 11th Grade AEROSPACE program Idaho Science and Aerospace Scholars
  • The responses submitted on this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. I understand that a knowing and willful false statement on this application will forfeit my participation in the project.
  • Release of name, mailing address, and school to U.S. and/or State Senators and Representatives.
  • Release of name, school, city, and state for purposes of project participation press releases.
  • Personal responsibility for submission of required online assignments and a final project; adhering to the due dates posted on the website.
  • All assignments, including and final project, will be completed using the honor system.
  • This program is open to U.S. citizens. Permanent residents may apply for the online course; however, NASA security restrictions typically preclude non-citizen participation in the summer academies.
  • Online assignments will be graded by certified teachers using the rubric(s) posted on the website.
  • Students will be selected for the online course experience based on the following criterion: completion of application by the deadline, Essay content, certification of GPA/Class Status, completion, timeliness.
  • Should I be selected for the online course experience, I will be available to participate. Refer to the program website for course dates.
  • Should I be selected for the summer academy I will be available for either Academy 1: July 9-15 or Academy 2: July 23-29.
  • If I participate, project representatives will contact me to up to six years beyond my participation to learn of my college and career plans. This will be done via email, mail, or phone. This information will be used to assist project representative in determining the impact of the project. I understand my personally identifiable information will not be disclosed.
  • Efforts will be made to ensure geographic diversity of selected applicants.
Parent/Legal Guardian Certification
By your child applying to the project, you are acknowledging the following:
  • My Child is applying to the 11th Grade AEROSPACE program Idaho Science and Aerospace Scholars
  • I give permission for my student to submit the Idaho Science and Aerospace Scholars application and participate in the on-line community.
  • The submission of this application is voluntary and I have reviewed and approved my student's responses.
  • I give permission for the releases of my child's name, mailing address and school to my child's U.S. and/or State Senators and Representatives.
  • I give permission for the release of my child's name, school, city, and state for purposes of project participation press releases.
  • The responses submitted on this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. I understand that a knowing and willful false statement on this application will forfeit my child's participation in the project.
  • My child is personally responsible for submission of required online assignments and final project; adhering to the due dates posted on the website.
  • This program is open to U.S. citizens. Permanent residents may apply for the online course; however, NASA security restrictions typically preclude non-citizen participation in the summer academies.
  • All assignments, including the final product, will be completed using the honor system.
  • Online assignments will be graded by certified teachers using the rubric(s) posted on the website.
  • Students will be selected for the online course experience based on the following criterion: completion of application by the deadline, Essay content, GPA/Class status, completion, and timeliness.
  • Should my child be selected for the online course experience, student will be available to participate. Refer to the program website for course dates.
  • If my child is selected for the summer academy, my child will be available for either Academy 1: July 9-15 or Academy 2: July 23-29.
  • If my child participates, project representatives will contact my child up to six years beyond participation to learn of his or her college and career plans. This will be done via email, mail or phone. This information will be used to assist project representatives in determining the impact of the project. I understand personally identifiable information will not be disclosed.
  • Efforts will be made to ensure geographic diversity of selected applicants.
An email will be sent to the student and parent/legal guardian's email, confirming the student's application .
Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.