Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. To apply to this program please visit the application "New User Registration" page and register with the system.

Personal Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Alternate e-mail:
Zip Code
Zip Code + 4
,   - ZIP Code +4 Lookup
Text messaging: Send applications updates via text message
Cell Phone:
Congressional District:
To find your Congressional District visit the House of Representatives Website. If your permanent home address is out of state please choose the congressional district for your school.
Verification of U.S. Citizenship: I am a citizen of the United States of America
Educational Information
University: What North Carolina institution of higher education will you be attending in the Fall?
Second Major/Minor:
Current Degree Track: MA/MS     PhD
University Standing as of Spring 2025:
Expected Date of Graduation:
Educational History: List the universities that you have attended beginning with the institution you are currently attending. Other than your current institution, only list universities where you have received a degree. Please upload a PDF version of your transcript. If you are selected to receive the award, official transcripts will be required for verification. If you do not have a PDF conversion tool you can use one of these free on-line PDF converters: PDF Online - PDF Converter.

To ensure that your PDF files may be properly included in your application, please ensure that they are not protected via encryption, a password, a signed certificate, or in any other manner.
College/University Major Degree Date Awarded GPA
(4 pt scale)
Most Recent
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Second Previous
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Third Previous
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Research Mentor
Address Line 2
State and Zipcode: State
email confirm:
Once you have submitted your application we will email them instructions on how to submit an on-line letter of recommendation on your behalf. Please inform them that they will be receiving an email from with these instructions. The deadline for submission of reference letters is Monday, March 17, 2025.
Research Project

Research Interests, Goals, and Anticipated Findings. In your own words describe the research project that you will be conducting, the purpose of the research, and the anticipated results.
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Research Plan. The description should include but not be limited to a description of the research, start and end dates, critical benchmarks and milestones, and how you will work with your research mentor for the term of the award.
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Alignment of Research to NASA Mission Directorates and the NC Space Grant Strategic Plan. Identify which NASA Mission Directorate that your research projects aligns with and describe how your research will contribute to the mission of that Directorate. Describe how your research project supports the NC Space Grant mission and strategic plan.
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Primary NASA Mission Directorate Alignment:
Secondary NASA Mission Directorate Alignment:

Career Impact. What are your career interest? Describe how this research project will be a springboard to pursuing your career interests. What new skills or information will you obtain that will impact your pursuits?
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Project Location and Term
My research mentor has read and approved this project description and has agreed to supervise me while I conduct this research.

I understand that my research mentor will ask me to report on my research activities at the end of the academic year.

Other Information
List and any past or present financial aid (scholarships, grants, loans, etc.)
(250 words or less)

Have you previously received a Space Grant award?  Yes   No  
If so please describe the program and your experience.
(750 words or less)

Optional Information
for reporting purposes only
Gender: Male Female

Person With Disability:


How did you hear about the NC Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Program?
If I receive this award I will:
  • Submit a final research report to NC Space Grant.
  • Present a poster at the NC Space Grant Space Symposium in spring 2026.
  • Share research experiences in public forums or educational settings. Presentations that encourage interest in NASA-related careers and research to high school students are of particular interest to NC Space Grant.
  • Work with the North Carolina Space Grant communications team to develop and implement a plan to share research and experience, including but not exclusively on social media, in print, and on the North Carolina Space Grant website.
  • Make activity and results public via social media during and after their research, using accessible social media accounts and consistent hashtags.
  • Credit NCSG for sponsoring the activity in all printed materials (logo, social media, etc).
  • Inform the Consortium of changes of address.
  • Respond to academic and employment follow-up surveys administered by NC Space Grant as required by NASA.
I certify that all of the information contained in this application is complete and correct and that I meet all of the eligibility requirements stated in the program announcement.
Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. To apply to this program please visit the application "New User Registration" page and register with the system.