Please Note: This is a sample form for viewing purposes only. To submit a form please visit the URL that was in the email request that you received.

Sponsor: New Mexico Space Grant

Program: New Mexico Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship Program

Thank you for agreeing to submit a letter of recommendation in support of Sample Applicant's NM Space Grant application.

These awards are intended to assist high-quality students in receiving hands-on experience in aero/space-related research projects. The award stress:
  • Excellence in academics
  • Exhibited leadership qualities
  • Aero/Space-related research project
In your letter of recommendation please also include the following: Outcome anticipated as a result of student participation, start and end date for participating student, start and end date for project, and funding agent of project.
Applicant Information
Name:Sample Applicant
University:University of Timbuctoo, Middle of Nowhere
Reference Information

(750 words or less)

I certify that I am the person represented in this letter of recommendation and that all the information contained herein is complete and true.

Please Note: This is a sample form for viewing purposes only. To submit a form please visit the URL that was in the email request that you received.

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