Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.

Have you previously participated in the NASA SEES Internship?    
Thank you for your interest in the STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) Summer Intern Program, you are not eligible to apply again.
Student Information
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:


Birth Certificate or Passport Showing Citizenship:
File Upload
(PDF Format)

Time Zone:
Text messaging: Send applications updates via text message
Student's Cell Phone:
Alternate Phone:
Current Grade:    
Citizenship: Are you a citizen of the United States?    
We're sorry, you must be a US citizen to be eligible to apply for the SEES internship program.
Ethnicity: - Optional: used for NASA reporting only
Race: - Optional: used for NASA reporting only
Parent/Guardian #1 Information
First Name:
Last Name:



Cell Phone:( ) -
Alternate Phone:( ) -
Parent/Guardian #2 Information (optional)
First Name:
Last Name:



Cell Phone:( ) -
Alternate Phone:( ) -
School Information
Name of School:
Type of school you attend:                  
Mailing Address:



My Computer Coding Experience is:
Computer Languages I have experience with include:

Which of the following does your school offer?

Recommendation Form
email confirm:
Once you have submitted your application we will email them instructions on how to submit an on-line recommendation form on your behalf. Please inform them that they will be receiving an email from with these instructions.
Microgravity Project

Please confirm that you are available to be onsite on July 27 - August 3, 2024    
Please confirm that you are available for the SEES 10th grade Science Symposium on August 5, 2024    
Areas of Interest
Indicate your areas of interest by marking your top 5 choices with Choice #1 being the first. For details on each project, visit the Project Themes page.

All SEES internships engage participants in 120-150 hours of research, working closely with NASA Subject Matter Expert mentors. Remote assignments for all projects will be available in May and must be completed by June 23. SEES will be a hybrid model with virtual and on-site projects. All students should plan to work on projects during the month of July unless additional guidance is provided in the project description.

Earth and Space Research
Astronaut Photography: Observing Earth from Space
Astronomy - Galaxy Classification
Planetary Geology - Psyche
Remote Sensing - Explore the Use of Imaging Radar to Observe the Changing Earth

Climate Research
Measuring Environmental Changes with Altimetry
Weighing Where the Water Goes

Engineering Projects
Engineer Your World
High Altitude Balloon - Airship
In-space refueling: It's all about the bubbles

Mission Design
Aerospace Engineering - TASR
Analogs and Human Research
Engineer World - On Other Worlds
FUNdamentals of Position Estimation for Drones Swarming (FUNPEDS)
Mars Rover Resource Utilization
Moon Exploration and Habitation

Artemis ROADS II

Virtual Internship
Air Quality Initiative Group - GLOBE Mission EARTH
Artemis Geology Prototype Tools for NASA Return Missions
Astronomy - Age and Distance to an Open Cluster
Exoplanet Transits - Detecting Planets Around Other Stars
Earth System Explorers
How do proton temperatures differ at Earth and Mars during a solar eruption?
Orbital Debris Oversight: Fostering Space Domain Awareness Through ITU Compliance
Solar Eclipse Impacts on Weather
Urban Heat Island Study - GLOBE Mission EARTH

Choice #1:
Choice #2:
Choice #3:
Choice #4:
Choice #5:

Please confirm that you are available for the July 6 -20, 2024 onsite program: Yes    
Please confirm that you are available for the SEES Science Symposium July 22-24, 2024: Yes    
Essay Questions
Please respond to each of the following essay questions. 250 word maximum for each question.

Discuss what subjects interest you most, your current academic path, and your career plans. How might SEES affect these plans? (maximum of 250 words)

Please respond to Option A or Option B

Option A. Discuss important academic experiences that have prepared you for a NASA internship such as courses, formal science fairs, school-sponsored competitions, etc.

Option B. Discuss important life experiences that you or others engage in outside of school that have prepared you for a NASA internship, such as using the scientific process in cooking, caring for animals, and exploring nature; developing video games and computer codes; hobby astronomy, mathematics clubs, or competitive robotics; or making, tinkering, repairing, and crafting.

What skills have you learned from your extracurricular activities that will be valuable to you as a research team member? (maximum of 250 words)

How did you hear about the SEES Internship Program? Have you participated in similar STEM enrichment programs or opportunities or is there a lack of STEM opportunities in your area?

Other Information
My participation in SEES depends on my receiving a travel scholarship from my hometown to Austin, Texas.    

Do you have any food allergies?    

   If so, what are your needs?

Introduction Video URL - Introduce yourself - name, where you are from, why you would like to be selected as a SEES intern. Max 5 minutes: Place link here:

Upload a PDF version of your transcript here:

File Upload

To enable your files to be properly included in your application, please ensure that they are not protected via encryption, a password, a signed certificate, or in any other manner.

By checking this box, I certify that the information submitted on this application is true and correct.

Before submitting your application, please add the following email addresses to your address book to insure you will receive SEES communications.

Please Note: Any updates after the application is submitted will not be considered. The SEES High School Summer Intern Program is funded through NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice NNH15ZDA004C and is a part of NASA's Science Activation program. For more information, go to:

Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.

The SEES High School Summer Intern Program is funded through NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice NNH15ZDA004C and is a part of NASA’s Science Activation program. For more information, go to: