VSGC Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program

Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.

  • Must be a U.S. Citizen
  • Must be currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at one of the five Virginia Space Grant Consortium member institutions: Hampton University, William and Mary, Virginia Tech, UVA, or ODU
  • Must have completed at least two years of a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) undergraduate program and be classified as a junior or senior during the 2024-2025 academic year (must have at least junior status by summer 2024 if choosing summer option)
  • Must have a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Must be in a program of study demonstrating an interest in STEM, and interested in research that supports NASA's mission.
  • Must have a graduation date no sooner than May 2025
Personal Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Alternate e-mail:
Verification of US Citizenship: I am a citizen of the United States of America
Current Address:
,   - ZIP Code +4 Lookup
Text messaging: Send applications updates via text message
Cell Phone:
Alternate Phone: ( ) -
Permanent Address:
, - ZIP Code +4 Lookup
Educational Information
What Virginia Space Grant University will you be attending in the Fall?
Second Major:
Degree Sought:
Plan of Study:
File Upload
(PDF format)
Applicants must submit a plan of study outlining intended course work for the remainder of their undergraduate program.
Academic Standing: At the beginning of the Fall 2024
Expected Date of Graduation:
Current GPA: (4 pt scale)
Future Education Plans: Do you plan to pursue a graduate degree? Yes   No  
File Upload
(PDF format)
Educational History: List the universities that you have attended beginning with the institution you are currently attending. Please upload a PDF version of all transcripts. If you do not have a PDF conversion tool you can use one of these free on-line PDF converters: PDF Online - PDF Converter.

To ensure that your PDF files may be properly included in your application, please ensure that they are not protected via encryption, a password, a signed certificate, or in any other manner.
College/University Major Degree Date Awarded GPA
(4 pt scale)
File Upload
File Upload
File Upload
File Upload
Faculty Advisor
First Name:
Last Name:
State and Zipcode:
email confirm:
Reference #2

Once you have submitted your application both of these individuals will received an email requesting their supporting material. Your application will not be complete until this information has been received. Please inform both of these individuals that they will receive an email request from notices@spacegrant.net for this information on your behalf. The deadline for submission of reference letters is Friday, February 16, 2024.
Research Proposal
This program encourages talented STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) undergraduate majors to pursue aerospace-related fields and do research with a strong alignment with NASA's five Mission Directorates: Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate, Space Operations Mission Directorate, Science Mission Directorate, and Space Technology Mission Directorate.

Please describe how your research aligns with NASA's Mission Directorates.
(750 words or less)

Research Statement:
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(PDF Format)

The research statement, written by the student, in consultation with the advisor, should describe: the key elements of the proposed research; what he/she intends to accomplish; and, identify any aerospace application of the proposed research activity. The selection committee is made up of university faculty in a variety of disciplines. Applicants should present their proposed research in a form that will be understandable to a range of readers. Research proposals must not exceed a maximum of 3 pages (not including references).

My faculty advisor has read and approved this research statement and has agreed to supervise me while I conduct this research.
Additional Comments
(750 words or less)

Have you previously participated in any other Virginia Space Grant Consortium programs or received any Virginia Space Grant Consortium funding? 

Which VSGC progrms(s)?

Please describe the program and your experience.
(750 words or less)
Budget Request
Provide a budget proposal by academic session for scholarship funds requested. Suggested budget categories include: student stipends and research related expenses, such as travel, materials, etc. The total travel and research related expenses for each academic session cannot exceed $1000. Note: All funds are administered through the student's university. Universities are not allowed to charge institutional costs on Space Grant scholarship monies.

Award Option   Academic Year   Summer  
Stipend Expenses Stipend Expenses Award
Academic Year Award $3,000 up to $1,000 $0 $0 up to $4,000
Academic Year Plus Summer 2024 $3,000 up to $1,000 $3,500 up to $1,000 up to $8,500
Academic Year Plus Summer 2025 $3,000 up to $1,000 $3,500 up to $1,000 up to $8,500
Award Type:
Item Amount Description
Academic Year Travel Expenses   
Academic Year Other Expenses   
Summer Session Travel Expenses   
Summer Session Other Expenses   
Total  $     
Optional Information
Students are strongly encouraged to provide the information requested below which is for reporting purposes only.
How did you hear about the VSGC Graduate Research Fellowship Program?
Gender:Male Female
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Do not wish to report
Person With Disability:
I do not have a disability I do not wish to identify my disability status Hearing
Vision Missing Extremities Paralysis
Other Impairments I have a disability, but it is not listed
Specify if not listed:
I certify that all of the information contained in this application is complete and correct and that I meet all of the eligibility requirements stated in this application.
Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.