Virginia Space Grant Summer Academy Intern

Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.

Applications Due: Sunday, February 25, 2024
Personal Information
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Preferred Name:
Home Address:
, VA  
Cell Phone: ( ) -
Are you a US Citizen?   
Are you a Virginia Resident?   
College Major:
Recommendation Letters
As part of your application packet you are required to provide one letter of recommendation from current or former supervisors, professor, school administrators or someone who can attest to your qualifications. You may not use VSGC employees for this recommendation.
email confirm:
Once you have submitted your application, the system will email these people instructions on how to submit an on-line letter of recommendation on your behalf. Please inform them that they will be receiving an email from with these instructions.

Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to follow up with these people to ensure the recommendation is submitted electronically by the Wednesday, February 28, 2024 deadline. By VSGC policy, all recommendations are kept confidential. As such, they will not be shared by VSGC.
Other Information
Which Virginia Space Grant Consortium Summer Academy program weeks are you available to work?
Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars Week 1 June 22 - 28
Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars Week 2 July 13 - 19
Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars Week 3 July 27 - August 2
Virginia Earth System Science Scholars Week 1 July 6 - 12
Virginia Earth System Science Scholars Week 2 July 20 - 26
Virginia Space Coast Scholars Week 1 June 22 - 28
Virginia Space Coast Scholars Week 2 July 6 - 12
Virginia Space Coast Scholars Week 3 July 27 - August 2

What do you see as the role of the undergraduate intern for these programs?
(750 words or less)

Please describe any summer plans that may impact your availability for the week selections you have selected.
(750 words or less)

Which programs and years have you participated in Virginia Space Grant Consortium programs either as a student or as an intern? For each program, please list the team or platform you worked on, and what positions you held on those teams. If you have previously been an intern with us, please also list the programs and teams you've assisted on in that role, as well.
(750 words or less)

Optional Information
Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide the information requested below. This information is collected for federal reporting purposes only and is not accessible to the program's selection panel.
Person With Disability:
I certify that all of the information contained in this application is complete and correct and that I meet all of the eligibility requirements stated in this application.
Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. This application cycle is currently closed.