NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program

Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. To apply to this program please visit the application "New User Registration" page and register with the system.

With this application, you will need to upload a two-page project description, a short (600 word) essay, a budget, and a one-page (max) resume.
Personal Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Middle Initial:
Current Address:
State: Zip:
Text messaging: Send applications updates via text message
Cell Phone:
Permanent Address:
State: Zip:
Home Phone: ( ) -
College/University: What West Virginia Space Grant university are you currently attending?
Major Field of Study:
Minor Field of Study: (if any)
College Dean:
Overall GPA: (4 point scale)
Departmental GPA: (4 point scale)
Current Rank:
Expected Date of Graduation: (mm/yyyy)
Student ID:
Educational History: List the colleges and/or universities from which you have completed at least 10 credits. If you have not completed two full university terms also include the high school from which you received your diploma. For each organization please upload an unofficial transcript.
High School/
Credits GPA
(4 pt scale)
STEM Courses
File Upload
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Letter of Recommendation and Endorsement by Research Advisor
email confirm:
Once you have submitted your application, we will email your advisor instructions on how to submit an on-line letter of recommendation on your behalf. Please inform them that they will be receiving an email from with these instructions. Letter of recommendation is due by Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.
Research Project
Project Title:
Mission Directorate Alignment:
In 250 words or less, you must list how your proposal relates to this specific Missions Directorate and include a link.
NASA Budget Request: $
Project Description: Please upload a well-written (easy to understand, with limited jargon and no grammatical or spelling errors) maximum two-page summary of the research plan in your own words, including a statement of the problem, previous research, methodology, expected results, and proposed timeline. References, appendices, and budget do not count towards the two-page limit. The document must be in PDF format and single-spaced using Times New Roman (TNR) font size 12, 1" margin on all sides. This research plan must be reviewed and approved by the applicant's faculty mentor. Please be aware that reviewers of the proposal may not be experts within your field of study, and the proposal should be written accordingly. Mentors may provide editorial and revision assistance for student proposals, but they must be primarily the work of student applicants.
Upload File:
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(PDF Format)
Other Items and Essays
File Upload
(PDF Format)
Essay: The applicant is required to submit a statement of no more than 600 words addressing the following items:
  • Applicant's motivation for completing the proposed research project
  • Applicant's academic achievements, leadership qualities, extracurricular activities, and/or work activities
  • Applicant's research experience (in and/or out of class), career interests, and professional goals
  • If there is anything you want the committee to know about your GPA or academic progress, address that here
Optional Information
For reporting purposes only
Sex: Female Male Prefer not to answer

Person With Disability: Yes No
US Veteran: Have you ever served in the US armed services? Yes No
I am a citizen of the United States of America.
I am or will be a full-time undergraduate student during the period of the award.
I understand that if any required sections are missing, my application will not be reviewed.
If awarded, I agree to provide West Virginia Space Grant Consortium: (1) an end-of-year report detailing my activities and accomplishments during the period of the Fellowship, including publications, research, and meetings attended; and (2) information about my studies and/or employment on request beyond the term of the award. (This is part of a NASA requirement to track the long range effectiveness of the scholarship program.)
I certify that all of the information contained in this application is complete and correct and that I meet all of the eligibility requirements stated in this application.
Please Note: This is a sample application for viewing purposes only. To apply to this program please visit the application "New User Registration" page and register with the system.